Frequently Asked Questions

Is WAKA out yet?

IDO is set for between 6pm and 7pm on the 19th of May 2021

What is a SOFT LAUNCH?

It's a beta launch with functionality. There WILL be bugs and we will be making updates and improvements very quickly during this phase.

Which LPs will give WAKA airdrop?

Any LP made with FTM and any of the default coins will give WAKA airdrop!

Will more LP mean more WAKA airdrop?


Will I need to have LP for the entire 2 weeks to get airdrop?

There will be daily snapshots and your WAKA will be given out proportionately to the amount/time of the LP you hold! Since the snapshots are random, we suggest keeping the LP for the entire 2 weeks to get maximum benefits!

When did snapshots start?

The first random snapshot period started 5pm on 5/8 UTC.

Mobile isn't working!

We know! Mobile compatibility will be available SOON!

I found a bug!

AHH! Tell @WakaFinance


Please remove some decimal places on the end of your "from" as a remedy. And remember, this is beta. Updates and upgrades coming.

Why can't I add custom LP pairs?

Many more pairs and custom pairs support will start as we roll out the release. The only LP pairs that are supported for initial beta phase:







How many people are working on WAKA Finance?

We have a 20 person core team which includes 8 devs. We also employ contractors from time to time as needed

Is the team Anon?

Yes, anonymity is for both the protection of the project and users. If there is a known person to exploit then the project can be compromised by some over eager government. Also, don’t forget, it’s the essence of crypto and started with Satoshi himself.

Why build it on Fantom?

We've worked in the Ethereum community for a long time, and we believe that Fantom is the most scalable, fast, AND most secure L1 smart contract platform out there. There are some solutions out there that help with gas fees, but at the compromise of decentralization. Fantom is the only platform that has the best of both worlds with negligible gas fees, and we are all here super early on. Were really excited to build out the Waka platform on Fantom Opera over the next years!

2.5% of the Waka supply is reserved for the Fantom Ecosystem Grants. Can you tell us more about it?

This will be to support developers that want to release products on waka as well as the larger Fantom ecosystem. We will have to take each one case by case. More details on that coming soon as we set our foundation up😊

What makes WakaSwap or the WAKA token unique from the other swaps or tokens, like SpiritSwap and SpookySwap?

We are not just a swap, we are called Waka Finance - a DeFi hub built for the Fantom ecosystem, where the WAKA token is used to power the entire ecosystem. WakaSwap is just the first product, and the soft launch has happened. As the swap mature, we will start to focus on more complex defi products on Fantom Opera tba.

Is Waka Audited?

Yes, the full report is available on the gitbook

Last updated